Save the Date!
We hope that everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer break. Below are some important dates for you to remember as we begin the 2024-2025 school year.
July 22 8:00-11:00 Senior Parking and Locker Rental
July 22 5:00 Senior Orientation in the gym.
July 23 8:00-11:00 Junior Parking and Locker Rental
July 23 5:00 Sophomore and Junior Orientation in the gym.
July 24 8:00-11:00 Sophomore Parking and Locker Rental
July 25 5:00 Freshman Orientation in the gym.
August 5 8:00am Registration for any student who did not attend orientation.
August 7 8:00am First full day for students.
The Mission of Marion County High School is to provide quality education in a supportive learning environment that will prepare all students for college and careers.
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Come join us on the Courthouse Square for family fun and health education and resources.
Wed Sep 18 08:54 AM

Free primary shots and booster shots available.
Fri Jan 27 10:45 AM
Student Arrival / Dismissal Information
Morning Arrival: (7:00 – 8:00)
All students should be dropped off in front of the school at the flag pole. Students will enter the building and proceed to the Cafeteria. All students who drive should enter the building through the rear entrance to the Cafeteria. Students will remain in the Cafeteria until released at 7:45.
Students who are dropped off after 8:00 am will enter through the main door of the building. Students that drive who arrive after 8:00 am will enter through the rear hallway next to the Cafeteria. There will be an electronic lock with a camera door bell so that office personnel can “buzz” the students in. All students arriving after 8:00 am must report to the office to sign in.
Afternoon Dismissal: (2:55 and 3:05)
At 2:55 pm, all 1st bus riders, drivers, and athletes with workouts/practice will be released.
At 3:05 pm, 2nd bus riders, parent pick-up, and students who walk will be released.
Parents should pick their student up in the front of the school. There will be two lanes of traffic coming through by the bus stop awning. Please do not block the lane closest to the bus stop as this lane is for buses only. If the pick-up lane is full, we ask that you wait in the gravel parking lot beside the softball field.