Dr. Larry Ziegler - Principal

Welcome back to the 2022-2023 school year! I am truly privileged to be the principal of Marion County High School! The staff of Marion County High School is also looking forward to supporting our students with their academic and social-emotional growth. As a school, we are committed to providing the students with a culture that pushes them academically to meet their potential and provides them with a safe and caring environment. Below are our goals for the upcoming school year:

At Marion County High School…

1.       Every student will look forward to being a part of the school community

2.       Every staff member will have purpose and feel joy in their work

3.       Every student will experience at least one, strong and positive adult connection

We plan to accomplish the above goals through a multi-tiered approach that focuses on advisory, challenging learning, active engagement, and a positive, warm environment.

Once again, welcome back to the “Big MC”!

It’s a Great Day to be a Warrior!


Coach Ziegler